Susan M.

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Ashbourne, England, United Kingdom

Über Susan M.

44 Jahre alt | Company Director | Als Familie

We are a family of 4, with 2 fantastic animal loving boys.
I am a director of my own company and my husband works in IT. We both work from home as we like to be around our animals and children. We have 1 dog, 1 cat and 2 horses and love being around animals all the time. We have family that look after our animals when we go away.
We are new to house sitting abroad, but love to keep a nice home and spending time cuddling up with our pets. We all get great pleasure spending time with our pets and other peoples too.
My 2 sons are 17 and 15 and are tidy and very well behaved. They boths love to see the world, expecially cultural destinations. My youngest son rides his horses every day and we all spend alot of time with our Cocker Spaniel Maggie and our cat Belle.
We can assist with any watering of plants or mowing the garden. My husband and I speak a little French, my husband is much better than me, but I like to try.
We have also looked after animals that require medical attention and in their older years. I have had many cats throughout my life and looked after them and given medication when older.
We will treat your home like it is ours and keep it clean and tidy.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jonty Lovell, 49 Jahre alt, IT Consultant, Ehepartner / Partner
William Millar, 18 Jahre alt, Student, Kind
Finley Millar, 16 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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