Breann M.

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Rancho Cucamonga, California, United States

Über Breann M.

33 Jahre alt | HR Business Partner | Als Paar/Duo

Hey there, I’m Breann! My husband Kieran and I are a newly married duo bringing the best of Southern California and British Columbia, Canada, right to your doorstep. I'm an HR professional that helps managers at a music label in LA, working remotely, while my better half is on the verge of wrapping up his PhD journey at McGill University, gearing up to enlighten young minds as a university whiz.

When we're not working and studying, you'll likely catch us on the tennis court, swinging those rackets like pros. But that's not all – we're also the proud "dog aunt" and "dog uncle" to a ball of fur named Lucy, the cutest golden doodle you'll ever meet.

Our current gig? House sitting. With slightly nomadic vibe’s as we figure things out as an international couple…we're taking the time to explore where to plant our roots – either in the Great White North or the land of palm trees. This journey has us embracing new spaces and communities, all while showering love on homes and pets like they're ours.

And guess what? Our honeymoon wasn't your typical sandy beach affair. We spent it house sitting for a friend in BC, taking care of their two dogs, two cats, and a ton of chickens. #BestHoneymoonEver, right?

Thanks a ton for trusting us with your space and furry pal. Believe us, we're treating both like they're pure gold. Your leap of faith means everything, and we can't wait to become part of your extended crew. Let's make this a win-win – you're off on your adventures, while we're here giving TLC to what you hold dear.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Kieran, 34 Jahre alt, PHD Student/University Instructor, Ehepartner / Partner

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