Susanne B.

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Victoria, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Susanne B.

57 Jahre alt | Freelance Remote Worker / Digital Nomad | Allein

Hello and welcome to my profile.
I am a very keen traveler who has already traveled to many countries throughout my life. I have looked after my friends and family homes and pets many times, so I thought why not continue to travel and house sit professionally. I have had many pets of my own over the years, including dogs and cats, fish and birds, as well as chickens. I love gardening and had my own garden where I grew my own organic vegetables. Because of my love for travel, I work remotely for a Mosaic Art company which means I can work from anywhere in the world. I had my own entertainment business in Melbourne, Australia, where we provided DJ's for private functions and product launches etc,. until I sold my home and decided to start traveling. I am extremely reliable, trustworthy and honest, in addition to being a great problem solver. I am fit and self sufficient. I have been driving for 32 years and have an International driver's license. I am a clean housekeeper and strongly believe in respecting other people's property and belongings. Due to my large experiences in life, I assure you I would be an excellent asset in many areas.

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