Constanza A.

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New York, New York, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Constanza A.

46 Jahre alt | Student | Als Familie

(UPDATE: We have returned from Europe and are back home in Florida 😊)

Hello! My name is Constanza. I am a full time student, taking all my classes online, working towards a degree in Sustainability Management. I am choosing now to travel because I can take my classes from anywhere in the world, so long as I have wifi! My daughter, Stella, is homeschooled which allows us the flexibility to travel the world together! My goal is to show my daughter as many different places, cultures and lifestyles as possible, so that she can grow up truly a well rounded person and know that the world is a beautiful and wondrous place.
I also have a kind and creative 25 year old son, Chris, who may occasionally travel with us, but ONLY with prior approval from the homeowners, of course. He is an artist and currently resides in NYC. We are all a family of pet lovers. I grew up with pets, as did my parents and now my kids. Stella is known as 'the cat whisperer' for her uncanny ability to bond with very shy cats. She is very patient and they seem to trust her. We also adore dogs and have experience with dogs of all sizes and many breeds. I am originally from San Francisco, lived in NYC for over 20 years and now reside in Florida. I have experience house/pet-sitting and would be happy to provide references. We will treat your home and your pets with love, respect and care. (I am also a child care provider with references on

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Stella, 11 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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