Helena D.

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Ilkley, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Helena D.

56 Jahre alt | Business Owner | Allein

I am Heléna Deeney a 55-year-old native of the UK, who loves the outdoors and is fortunate enough to have access to the yorkshire moors. I love to ride my bike and am a keen walker and runner. I have been with my husband for over 30 years and have brought up two lovely children.

I have always had pets from being a small child, mostly dogs and cats. Last year my family and I had to say goodbye to our 17 year old working cocker spaniel, who was a cherished member of our tribe. I have a cat who is also entering her twilight years, she is always looked after by daughter when we are away.

Occasionally, my husband may join me as a sitter, but any such arrangements will be pre-agreed with the host and carefully planned in advance.

I have travelled a lot throughout my life and love experiencing new place, people and cultures although my language skills are terrible, unfortunately.

I have a very flexible job within my family business which enables me to move around the world as long as I have access to the internet. Prior to working in the family business I had a career in social work specialising in working with people who are addicted to alcohol and drugs. I have continued this work but do it on a voluntary basis for a couple of hours a week.

I am a home owner, who keeps a very tidy home. I will be approaching house sitting with a sense of responsibility and respect and will treat a host's home as if it were my own. I am a trustworthy and reliable person who will maintain a clean and secure environment for both the property and any resident pets.

As a pet owner I know how precious animals can be as members of our family. I know that it is important for them to be cared for and loved. I look forward to meeting new pets and exploring their personalities and quirks.

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