Ewelina R.

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Reykjavík, Reykjavíkurborg, Iceland

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Ewelina R.

36 Jahre alt | Travel designer | Allein

Hello! I'm a passionate animal lover in my mid-thirties, working remotely as a travel designer in Iceland. With a deep-rooted love for animals and a penchant for travelling, I've decided to dedicate my time to pet sitting while slow travelling. Trustworthy, responsible, and devoted to ensuring your furry friends receive the utmost care and attention, I look forward to providing a nurturing environment for your beloved pets while you're away.

I’ve got longtime experience when it comes to pet care. Over the years I had three dogs and four cats of my own, my home was always a place shared with pets. I know all the ins and outs of pet ownership – from feeding schedules to playtime routines. When my friends jet off on their travels, they ask me to be a temporary home for their pets. I’ve been the go-to pet sitter for their dogs and cats.

My decision to become a house sitter stems from my personality and lifestyle. As someone who has always felt a deep connection with animals, I find joy in their company. Unlike human interaction, which can sometimes be draining for introverts like myself. Having done multiple fast paced road trips now I am all about slow travel and a desire for a homey atmosphere. Rather than rushing through tourist attractions, I prefer the idea of immersing myself in local communities and experiencing the comfort of a home environment. As an introvert, I appreciate moments of solitude and tranquility, which are often found in the presence of animals. Unlike bustling social environments, caring for pets provides me with a sense of calm and connection and I find it to be fun and adventurous experience.

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