Scott J.

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Paraparaumu, Wellington, New Zealand

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Scott J.

62 Jahre alt | Retired Director | Als Paar/Duo

We are a recently retired New Zealand couple who have been married for 36 years.
We love animals, particularly cats and dogs. We have have owned seven cats, some of whom were tamed from wild strays. Two dogs, a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Retriever/Poodle cross.
My wife has been a teacher for 40 years and I have had a few different careers. Sales Management, Business ownership of electrical products, Waste Plastic Recycling, developing a small Truffiere and lifestyle block with calves and steers. I have worked in the electrical, plumbing and building trades for 45 years.
We are looking to travel parts of the world in a slower pace, enjoying less touristed places, caring for animals and the planet as we travel.
We are honest, clean living and can be trusted to look after your animals and property. We live in a beautiful house which we designed. We are very clean and tidy and would leave your house in immaculate condition. I am a very good handyman and can maintain most emergencies if your house has one.
We are very widely travelled over the last 36 years including Australia, most of Asia, China, Mongolia, Russia, England, Western Europe, USA and The Pacific Islands.
Our hobbies are golf, reading, arts, motorcycling and of course travelling.

We are wanting pet/house sits in Europe, England, Ireland from 1st July 2025 and onwards for a year. We have several house sits confirmed already for England in August and September 2025.

We will look after and love your pets. We will look after and respect your property.

Thanks for reading our profile. We would happily Zoom, WhatsApp with you if you want to meet us in our own home.
Kindest regards
Scott and Fiona.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Fiona, 60 Jahre alt, Retired Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

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