Christa M.

Dieser Benutzer hat mehrere Identitätsdokumente überprüfen lassen und positive Rückmeldungen von der Nomador-Gemeinschaft erhalten.

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Christa M.

38 Jahre alt | Nurse | Allein

Hey there! A little about me...I grew up in a home full of plants and rescued animals so this is my happy place. My friends and co-workers seemed to pick up on this so I've housesat numerous times taking care of their dogs, cats, rats, fish, a ferret, a goat and a potbelly pig! Some hobbies of mine are running, hiking, exploring, scuba diving, reading, music, trying new foods.

My goal is that you are able to enjoy your time away assured that your pet is in good hands. I have used pet-sitters myself and know the worry that accompanies leaving your baby with someone else. Therefore, I would love to provide daily photos and updates, if you like.

I have traveled throughout the world and have been told I left homes in even better condition than given to me. I adapt easily and am self-sufficient so you can focus on your time away. I am a nurse and have cared for my own sick pets, so I am experienced in recognizing signs of illness and medication administration, if needed.

I am more than happy to arrive earlier to allow your pets time to get comfortable with me while you are there and to take down instructions from you.

Feel free to reach out for a call or video chat!

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September 2024

Christa is a great homesitter and petsitter, she took really good care of my cat and my plants, she gave me regular updates during my vacation and sent me a lot of pictures of her with my cat. I felt really at peace and not stressed at all thanks to her, I would 100%% recommend ! Thanks again Christa

Mireille f.

Villejuif, France - September 2024

Christa s'est parfaitement bien occupée de mon chat, Gribouille, qui l'a très vite adoptée. Elle m'a régulièrement envoyé des nouvelles et des photos. Grâce à elle, j'ai passé d'excellentes vacances. A mon retour, j'ai trouvé Gribouille et mes plantes en pleine forme. Christa m'avait même préparé une soupe absolument délicieuse. Je la recommande vivement et serai ravie de la retrouver pour une nouvelle garde.

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