Brenda S.

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New South Wales, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Brenda S.

51 Jahre alt | Ex Police Officer | Als Paar/Duo

Hi all, We would like to introduce ourselves. Brenda and Hamish, from Sydney, Australia although we are both Kiwi’s. We are arriving in London UK on the 8 July 2024, Travelling around England and Scotland, and then on to Europe August, Sept, October, Nov, Dec.
We have no set plans except to pick up our two Royal Enfield motorbikes in London on the 9th July and hopefully be able to experience some beautiful sites/places/ history/Art/ food/castles/landscapes and people around UK, Scotland and Europe.
We are both animal lovers (we have 1 dog, and two cats) I also ride horses. We currently live on a large acreage north of Sydney, Australia. We would like to offer care for your home and/or animals while we travel around the UK and Europe.
I’m a Ex NSW Police Officer and my Hubby Ex Army (23 years) and Ex Director of NSW Corrections, we are both In our early 50s and have resigned from work to enjoy this well deserved overseas trip of a lifetime!!
Would love to have the opportunity to experience UK, Scotland, and the many European cultures and local home environments. Please message if you think we could be of help you with your house sitting or pet care requirements, we would love the opportunity. Brenda and Hamish Shearer

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Hamish, 58 Jahre alt, Justice Corrections, Ehepartner / Partner

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