Charlotte c.

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Kirkwall, Scotland, United Kingdom

Über Charlotte c.

30 Jahre alt | Open University Student/ Knitwear business owner/ bartender

I'm an environmental science student with the Open University in Scotland, currently working on my final dissertation and running a small knitwear business.. I love to travel and although I haven't done housesitting before I have done a lot of work through HelpX - including housekeeping and helping run an AirBnB - (see profile) where I have a number of good reviews: and love working with animals. I have helped look after various pets from dogs to donkeys and from cats to chickens! Other previous work includes au pairing and child care at summer camps, so while I'm not currently looking for that kind of position hopefully helps to show a good level of organisation and maturity.
I would love the chance to do a more long-term housesit over the winter once I have finished my studies and experience somewhere new.

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