Catalina P.

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Osorno, Los Lagos, Chile

Letzte Aktivität: vor 2 Wochen

Über Catalina P.

32 Jahre alt | Yoga Teacher | Allein

Here's a balanced version that is both warm and detailed:

Hello! I'm Catalina, originally from Chile, and I've been living in Berlin for the past three years. I’m a yoga teacher and try to balance the city’s vibrant energy with mindfulness and calm. Growing up with a father who is a veterinarian, I was always surrounded by animals, and caring for them has always been second nature to me. I have a deep love for dogs and cats and understand how to make them feel safe, loved, and happy.

I’m a peaceful and reliable person who enjoys reading, meditating, painting, watching movies, and, of course, doing yoga. I find joy in creating a warm and nurturing environment, whether it’s through yoga or caring for a home and pets. I believe in treating every space and animal with the utmost care and respect, just as I would my own.

I am looking for a house-sitting opportunity for at least three weeks to take a break from the fast-paced life of Berlin. I’d love the chance to care for your pets and home, ensuring everything is well-maintained and your furry friends are loved and comfortable. I am organized and attentive, so you can feel confident knowing your home is in good hands while you’re away.

I am excited about the opportunity to connect with you and provide a sense of security and care for your home. Thank you for considering me, and I hope to bring a touch of calm and kindness to your space.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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