Henry b.

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Ashland, Oregon, United States

Über Henry b.

self employed semi retired

My wife and I are nature lovers,we are both vegetarians, I work for myself in Insurance industry Im 52 yrs. Old and have a very flexible schedule My wife Valerie is a Licensed Social Worker and currently works for the department of Veterans Affairs although her passion is hospice and has spent time in that field we love animals ,and travel. We have traveled through out the US and abroad, we plan on retiring in the next few years and would love to see the world .
We enjoy volunteering in communities, either teaching or building homes. we also love to grow food. we would take excellent care of your home and pets.
We are a honest and trust worthy couple, we do not drink, or take any drugs, neither of us are smokers. We live a great life ! and would love to care for your property. Thank you for reading i look forward to meeting you.Hank

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Meine Reisebegleiter
valerie, LCSW (Social Work) US Government, Ehepartner / Partner

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