Stephen & susan e.

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Norwich, England, United Kingdom

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Über Stephen & susan e.

70 Jahre alt | Consultant

Your home...our privilege


We are a UK based, but globally experienced, active, discerning and independent married couple (retired senior UK police officer and Special Educational Needs HLTA) and we are available for long and short-term engagements.

Since the last of our children left the nest in 2013 we have been using our time to explore the world at a leisurely pace, experiencing other cultures and meeting new people through house-sitting & project work. We have been blessed with positive experiences and made some life-long friendships along the way. It is always a pleasure to experience completely different environments so we will consider all possibilities. We are flexible throughout the year.

Since starting our house-sitting journey we have been asked by regular contacts to manage, care-take and monitor tenanted and vacant properties, house-sit, pet-sit, and provide gardening, installation, renovation and maintenance services. We have also prepared properties for sale and liaised with selling agents and potential buyers on the owner's behalf. Our presence provides reassurance that your home will be cared for exactly as you would want it to be and generally involves more substantial properties or complex requirements.

We are happy to get involved and 'muck in' but also respectful of boundaries and have forged some wonderful long-standing friendships, finding ourselves invited to family weddings, birthday celebrations and BBQs. Very professional in our approach, we feel privileged to travel this way, making new friends, experiencing new things and,
of course, having a great deal of fun along the way.

As the majority of our sits are repeat engagements we consider this to be a wonderful compliment. We are particularly fond of southern France, the Bundaberg area of Queensland, and the Mornington peninsular area of New South Wales, Australia.

Because we are often engaged by word-of-mouth recommendation, referrals and through other websites such as, and we have private webpages with much more extensive background information and references to which we are happy to provide a link on request.

We can provide excellent references and have held the highest levels of background clearances due to our previous occupations.

Please note: We do not offer our services to as

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Susan, 66 Jahre alt, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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