Mihaela U.

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Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Mihaela U.

56 Jahre alt | Accounting | Allein

My background is in accounting. We do not own any pets at the moment, however, in the past we were lucky to have lovely cats and dogs. Any chance we get, my husband and I travel. At times I travel alone. We are looking forward to new adventures, new places, meeting interesting people around the world and giving you peace of mind, while we take care of your home and some of your most important family members - your pets. House/pet sitting also allows us to experience the joy of living with canine or feline companionship again. We miss that companionship and welcome the opportunity to share our hugs and love with your pets.

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Antoine b.

Montreal, Canada - Juli 2020

Mihaela was perfect! So nice and positive! thank you so much!

Eva l.

San Diego, United States - Januar 2020

I cannot recommend Mihaela and Adrian enough. We were blown away! They are such wonderful people, so lovely, caring and careful. We were so fortunate to have been able to connect with them. They took care of our cat, Goobers, but also left our space absolutely stunningly beautiful. They were very communicative all throughout the house-sit and we felt 100%% confident they would take excellent care of Goobers. Mihaela and Adrian, thank you both! We look forward to connecting again! You will always be welcome wherever we are!

Maryse p.

Montreal, Canada - September 2019

Mihaela et Adrian sont les meilleurs gardiens que nous ayons eus. À chacun de leur message, nous étions rassurées quant à leur présence chez nous et aux soins apportés à notre chatte. Ce fut un plaisir à notre retour de connaître un peu mieux ce couple très sympathique.

Patricia M.

Gaithersburg, United States - Juli 2019

We were thrilled with Mihaela. I knew she was a true animal lover when we Skyped. She and her husband arrived the day before we left on our trip and they immediately showed an interest in the pets, who in turn were entirely receptive to them. Extremely personable, Mihaela texted me several times during our two weeks away, and let me know that the pets were well-cared for. We returned home to a spotless home and happy animals. They are a professional couple who love to experience new places. I highly recommend them to anyone who is looking for a house sitter.

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