Kevin g.

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Doncaster, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Kevin g.

69 Jahre alt | Falconer

I'm an active 67yrs Young, also retired, my family are are all grown up and live independently, I have 5 grandchildren.
I've owned many breeds of dogs in my life, from terriers to mastiffs, I also had horses for 20yrs, even tho I don't ride I do know how to care for them, I was my daughters stable boy/ muckeroutta. And general dogs body. I'm also a falconer and have flown birds of prey professionally.
My previous family home was large with land to keep the horses and five dogs, cats, koi carp, goats, ferrets, and many other pets that we had over the years,
But being single now I've downsized to a smaller property, I have a bulldog and a pair of Falcons n hawks, my daughter lives 100meters away so she looks after my pets while I'm away from home,
I've travelled extensively in my work and also for pleasure.
I don't mind being interviewed by Skype or any other means, as I know that I would like to know who was looking after my home if I was in the position that I needed my property looking after.
I can assure you you your property and pets, livestock, will be cared for 100%
I look forward to your contact, and meeting you.

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