Allen t.

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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Über Allen t.

41 Jahre alt | Marketing

Hi, I’m Allen, a trustworthy, reliable and experienced house sitter. Since June of 2016, I have been housesitting full-time through Europe, Asia and Canada. I love dogs, cats and all animals. As a former Airbnb host, I understand the importance of finding someone you can trust to care for your home, pets and property while you’re away.

Why I Housesit
House sitting allows me to travel the world, experience new adventures and make new friends (both human and animal :) I work from my laptop and work from home. House sitting provides a great environment to work while also sharing the companionship of the animals I’m caring for.

My Experience
I’ve lived with pets most of my life. Over the past 10 years, I have house sat for friends with pets and enjoyed every minute. Since June of 2016, I have housesat as few as 1 cat and up to 4 dogs. 5-star reviews and references available here on my profile.

Travelling the majority of the last 6 years, I actively use AirBnB on my travels and stay in peoples homes while they’re away. I treat everyone’s home as if it were my own. I also consider myself fairly handy and can take care of any emergencies related to the house.

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Hector h.

Colima, Mexico - September 2018

We have a small hoard of dogs - four of them - so we were worried it be get too taxing, just one person dealing with them all day every day. But Allen handled it all great, I almost think he was more attentive to them than even we are! The dogs all adored him by the time we got back, they were genuinely sad when he left. He also kept the house neat and tidy, he spent a lot of time at home, which we needed because one of the pups has anxiety issues, which he handled perfectly. He sent us pictures and updates while we were gone and was super easy to communicate with. We would definitely love having Allen house sit again, and would highly recommend him to anyone else looking for a pet sitter.

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