Sean & katharine

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Lewes, England, United Kingdom

Über Sean & katharine

57 Jahre alt | Digital Nomads

We are a responsible, creative and hard-working couple who've been slow travelling in the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Greece and elsewhere in Europe since May 2012. Throughout this time, we've house- and pet-sat — looking after dogs, cats and a wide variety of other pet folk — been hosted by a growing number of CouchSurfing hosts (through the network) while traveling from one place to another, lived for over 7 months in a centrally located flat in Burgos, Spain, 4-plus months in SW France, and nearly 3 months in Tuscany. We also spent a couple of months camping in Vichy, France in the Summer of 2012.

We decided to give up our quite comfortable life in the South East of England, and embrace a more nomadic, slow travelling lifestyle. Doing so fulfils a long-held intention to travel, write and take photographs, as well as opening ourselves up to new experiences and weaving these into our creative work.

In addition to keeping our personal writing blogs, we're co-founders of, a web-based business that helps businesses and individuals to build tribes of loyal customers via strategic websites and visual storytelling. Since this work is location-independent, it's ideal for a housesitting lifestyle. All we need is a good internet connection.

As we're committed to continuing our slow travels, we're looking for housesitting opportunities in various places throughout Europe and the UK (and one day, we hope, well beyond).

When we're not working on our business, we — as writers and photographers — enjoy documenting our experiences wherever we are, as well as tapping them as sources of creative inspiration. Mufidah has recently written and published a short story set in Burgos, Spain, and in December 2013 we published, to rave reviews, a book of our Instagram photographs of Burgos. Throughout our travels, we'll continue to work on our current writing and photography projects, as well as new ones.

As animal lovers but not pet owners we love spending time with and caring for various pet folk as part of our housesitting assignments. Whether or not we're looking after animals we always stop to say hello to the various dog and cat folk we meet in the course of our day-to-day.

We're both particularly responsible, reliable, sensitive, caring and conscientious folk who have wide-ranging experience with housesitting, including short- and long-term assignments — in the UK, continental Europe

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