Lynne M.

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North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Über Lynne M.

64 Jahre alt | Retired

I am a 56 year old independent and confident single woman. I have been a world traveller since I was in my twenties. I have travelled to Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, much of Europe, the USA and Mexico. I have always considered myself a bit of a Nomad but I am getting tired of staying in hotels, hostels and B&B's and so the thought of living in a private home and caring for someones pets while I do some exploring would be ideal. I like animals very much but currently do not have any of my own which makes it easier for me to do "spur of the moment" adventures. I do have a full time job as office administrator for a wine & spirits importer but I am lucky to have 5 weeks per year holiday time. At this time I would like to start off with short-term House-sits anywhere from a couple of days up to 2 weeks as I will need to consider travel time to get from Vancouver to wherever you are! I am excited to get started on my new adventure as a House-sitter!

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