Tracey m.

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Woodstock, Ontario, Canada

Über Tracey m.

63 Jahre alt | Mediator (retired)

I am a retired Canadian with decades of experience caring for a home and garden and many animals. I have 5 star reviews from home/pet owners for whom I have done sits on other platforms which I am happy to share.

I am a retired professional with training in dispute resolution so I put a lot of value on communication, trust and nutual respect.

I truly love animals and will make your pets my priority. I can do minor household repairs, lawn and garden maintenance. Your neighbours will appreciate my maturity and quiet enjoyment of the neighbourhood. (No parties. No guests unless previously agreed - my sister sometimes joins me in the USA if two mature animal lovers are needed! )

I have lived in both urban and rural locations and am very resourceful and good at problem solving. You will be comfortable leaving your property and pets with me and I will do everything I can to ensure you can travel worry free.

I travel with a computer, books, crossword puzzles and a yoga mat. I am very independent and self sufficient and have travelled solo for years.

Your place can be small or big, fancy or not. Extra points if you are close to somewhere for swimming! Otherwise walking and hiking are personal favourites (especially with a pup or two along).
I have a clean driving record and have driven internationally if a car is an option. If not, public transport, a bike and walking are all fine.

I am healthy and have travel medical insurance. I also have TSA pre-screening which I think adds to your confidence in my abilities to commit and complete a sit arrangement.

Please feel free to ask me anything. I look forward to hearing from you!


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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jan, 66 Jahre alt, Retired, Bruder / Schwester

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