Diana u.

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Lincoln City, Oregon, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Diana u.

78 Jahre alt | Retired Co-Owner Wine Import & Distribution

We are active, non-smoking, world traveled retirees who enjoy living in different places, getting to know the texture of a place. We enjoy meeting people and exploring. Housesitting offers us the opportunity to live in an area as a local. To get acquainted with the people, the markets, the traditions and the history.
We have owned a holiday vacation house in the Napa Valley wine country of CA. We rented it via the internet for a number of years when we were not staying there. We have been house sitters for friends and others. We know what it means to have strangers living in our home and to live the homes of strangers. We will treat your home, pets and garden as if they were our own.
As homeowners and house sitters, we are aware that things can unexpectedly go wrong. We are practical and adaptable.
As pet owners we know how dear your pet is to you and will care for them with love and attention. We do have a small Westie dog of ours who travels with us. He has been on road trips and transcontinental flights many times. He is well trained, groomed and also loves the adventures of new places and friends.
My husband and I co-owned a wine import and distribution company for over 25 years. We sold our business and retired several years ago. We have traveled the world, enjoying people and cultures in the USA, Africa, Europe, Asia & Australia.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Marty, 86 Jahre alt, Retired Co-Owner Wine Import & Distribution company, Ehepartner / Partner

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