Nikolett K.

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Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Nikolett K.

36 Jahre alt | PhD candidate, Author, University Lecturer, Copywriting and digital marketing for a living

About me:

As a countryside-child, I grew up in a real dogs-and-cats-neighbourhood. By now, I have been living in Budapest apartments for 10 years. My current landlord is, though very nice and helpful, doesn't want me to have a little doggy or a cat. Nevertheless, I would like to take care of pets, at least for several short periods, for weeks, or a few months. I'm especially dedicated since I had the opportunity to take care of one of my friends' two cats, Luten and Gian, for half a year (in my home city, Budapest) in 2015, and then of two lovely cats in Barcelona, in 2017. Either I had to work, or I just came home from somewhen, I liked the feeling that I'm not alone in the flat but the cats come and go around me. Or sometimes just sleep on my thighs while I'm sitting and typewriting something on the table.

I consider myself a very lucky person since I have a creative job (I'm a marketing copywriter and content manager) that doesn't require me to sit in the office every day, only to have my notebook with me and have a good enough WIFI. Not only my work is creative but I try to live creatively on an everyday basis, too. I love my friends in Budapest, and my family in the Hungarian countryside. But I'm also very curious, and like new people, new environment (maybe with some pets in it:)) around me. Would be very sad, if I had to separate from my home friends or family for many years, or for a life, but I love travelling and since my work let me do it, I travel as much as I can.

All of these causes played a role in my decision to register for Nomador and other house-sitting pages.I hope I'll be able to help you somewhen with taking care of your pets or your plants. :) Looking forward to meeting you on Skype, or in person.

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Jana s.

St. Petersburg, United States - Mai 2017

Niki was a great roommate for the two days she spent staying with me before I left, and took wonderful care of the house, the plants, and the cats. She even insisted on fixing the bedroom door handle when it stopped working (through no fault of her own.) Thank you!

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