Jana s.

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St. Petersburg, Florida, United States


Über Jana s.

44 Jahre alt | UX/UI Designer

I'm a user experience and interaction designer, living in sunny Barcelona. I can work from anywhere as long as there is good wifi, so have great flexibility with my travel options. I love to bicycle, do yoga, read, take photos, draw, cook, and play musical instruments (badly.) I have two cats and a dog and as many plants as I can fit in my windows and on my balcony. I love housesitting, inviting housesitters into my home, and doing home exchanges, as well.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Herzlicher Gastgeber
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer
Sehr freundlich

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


anne-marie C.

Rouen, France - August 2018

It was a real pleasure to stay at Jana's place : an appartment very fonctional and particularly well located in Barcelona. (2 mn from the beach!); her cats were easy-going and the dog particularly affectionate ; thank you Jana to make me feel home and to be such a caring host ! Any time you need s.o.

Betiana g.

Madrid, Spain - Mai 2018

Jana sos una persona muy amable y alegre, llena de energía. Esto se puede apreciar claramente en tu bello hogar. Tienes unos hermosos animales . Leto es un buen chico para pasear y para hacerte compañía. Tus gatitas son muy tranquilas y les gusta ronronear en la cama. Hemos mirado varias pelis juntas ????.Disfruté mucho de la estadía en el apartamento. Muy cómodo y funcional y a pasitos de la playa. Me tocó unos días de fiesta en el barrio que me permitió conocer otro lugar de Barcelona así que feliz. Fue un placer conocerte . Estamos en contacto. Hasta la próxima ????

Patrick c.

La Vernelle, France - August 2017

Séjour très agréable, appartement bien situé proche de la mer et du centre ville. Quartier authentique avec toutes les commodités. Deux chats adorables et câlins, des plantes vertes dont une népenthes. Jana a été soucieuse de notre bien être et a su nous faciliter la vie dans l'appartement et la ville par de bons conseils. Un séjour inoubliable, merci beaucoup.

Nikolett K.

Budapest, Hungary - Mai 2017

Jana was a very friendly and caring host. Prior to my visit, she had sent me an indeed detailed e-mail about every kind of useful information, including information about what to do in Barcelona, how to use the washing machine, where I find this and that in the flat. She was flexible in terms of the day when I arrive, so I could buy a much cheaper flight ticket and had arrived two days before she left. She introduced me to her local friends, too. The cats are very kind and nice, two different personalities but both of them are just lovable.

1-2 von insgesamt 5

Logement de Jana s.

Catalonia, Spain

2 Katzen - 1 Hund

Dieser Eigentümer hat bereits 5 Aufenthalt bei Nomador abgeschlossen

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