Betiana g.

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Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain


Über Betiana g.


I'm from Villa Elisa, little city in Entre Ríos, Argentina.
The last year decided to change my life. I left my work and come to live to europe. I was living in Italy for 5 months and now in Spain. But i have no problepm to move to other countries and meet people and cities. I worked in a company for 10 years, in Administration deparment like a right hand from the owner.
I am a quiet person, who likes to read and enjoy the son, the Beach and nature. I like to spend time at home,as well as enjoy long walks. I love taking pictures and writing.
I am tidy and i like to live in a clean and pleasant space.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

Erhaltene Komplimente


Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Jana s.

St. Petersburg, United States - Juni 2018

Betiana cuidó mucho a mi perro y gatos, incluso cuando el Leto tuvo una herida en su pata. La casa fue limpia, las plantas felices. No tuvimos mucho tiempo para hablar pero fue un placer conocerla. Es una persona muy amable, inteligente y interesante!

Wolfgang e.

Vienna, Austria - September 2017

Beti is a most wonderful housesitter. Our dog Pascal totally fell in love with her, even though he's not the one to be easily wooed by a lady. When we returned we found the house in better shape than how it was when we left it. Beti communicates very effectively and managed everything in the house by herself. Highly recommended!

Max w.

Castellón de la Plana, Spain - Juli 2017

Betiana was amazing! Of the 3 weeks we were away just kept in touch ever few days and sent us pictures. Also when we got home we found our house very clean and tidy and cats and fish very happy. Highly recommended. Thank you Betiana.

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