Winston W.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Winston W.

61 Jahre alt | Retired Private Investigator | Allein

Retired private investigator. Trustworthy. Funny. Loveable. Punctual and reliable.

Fully insured for overnight sits through PetPlan and an up to date Police check, both certificates available to see.

Wacky and goofy sense of humour that pets love and react positively to.

I simply replace you in your home. Following the procedures you already have in place.

Handling senior and end of life dogs requiring medication or a slower pace of life.

I also handle young Covid born puppies through re-enforcement training and helping the client through the separation anxieties.

I shall take a zillion photos and videos during the sit, so you will not miss your pet.

Fantastic checkable client Testimonials who you are welcomed to call and chat to confirm you made the right choice for your home and pet.

With my security service background, your home will be treated with respect and I am on site should anything untoward happen.

Hobbies: Soccer, music, film. I have appeared in a number of big screen movies as a Supporting Artist. As well as commercials… including large electronic billboards, magazine commercials for Virgin Atlantic.

You pet will be having a mini superstar looking after them.

Just ask for more details, or call me via WhatsApp.

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