Janet w.

Dieser Benutzer wurde von Nomador als eines der engagiertesten und erfahrensten Mitglieder der Gemeinschaft anerkannt.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States

Über Janet w.

Regional VP for American Society of Dowsers

My name is Janet and I am in my fifties. I'm happily married, with no children. I will take care of your home. I have taken care of my own home. I have years experience in managing large apartment properties 300 plus ,units. I'm handy, with plumbing, electric, heating and managing a garden and more. I know how to handle an emergency in another county and keep my cool and get the job done. Honestly I'm very good in a emergency. My Husband has worked for 35 years in the medical field, he is VP of Product/ Development Internationally. We move frequently, on our own or together.
I have lived in England for 2 years. We have lived in Angelholm and Lund, Sweden for 1 year. Copenhagen for 6 months and Roskilde, Denmark for one year. I found housing by running adverts in the local newspapers in Europe. Vetting process for renting a home in Europe, had gone perfect. I'm familiar with the particulars of living in another country. Ordering utilities, city ordinance guidelines and the small responsiblities as trash collection, that can be a bit of stickler. General upkeep in homes in Sweden and Denmark and England.
Currently, I'm working with the American Society of Dowsers, working with the international chapters. I'm able to do a very long house or property sit. Since, my husband travels, he can travel any where I happen to be staying
We have a simple home for travelers. We both can take off and go anytime, anywhere, and everything is taken care of.
I'm very open to anywhere in the world. I would like a long house sit. So, I can create new memories and make new friends. I'm very interested in France, Greece, Crete and the United Kingdom. I'm a jewelry artist, photographer and animal lover.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Joe (husband), International Product development, Ehepartner / Partner
John, retired, Bruder / Schwester

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