Kirsten jessica & emily

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Tyler, Texas, United States

Über Kirsten jessica & emily

54 Jahre alt | self employed

We are experienced house sitters and pet sitters from North America currently looking for reliable opportunities. I am a mom who has been slow traveling with two adult daughters for the past 4 years in Europe (prior to that we were homeowners in the US and Canada). But we aren't your typical family or your typical "tourists." Before embarking on our family excursion we owned a house and a cottage. This means that we are familiar with all of the care, upkeep and maintenance issues for city living and country living. We are freelance self employed consultants, English teachers, and students. None of us drink or smoke or take any sort of drugs. In general we are quiet although we do like to laugh and enjoy life. My older daughter is quite fastidious (in a good way) and my younger is a natural nurturer and I am a bit of both. We take pride in our home and care about the little details. Our house sit should be an exchange where we care for your home and pets as if they were our own and you trust us to be responsible. Honesty, integrity, and mutual respect are important to this relationship.

It's a family priority of ours to serve and share what we can with others. Your needs are important to us. You need to have someone who will care for your home and furry family members that you can depend on. You need to have peace of mind that your house, your pets, and even your neighbors/neighborhood will be appreciated. Additionally, because we travel slowly and want to explore the area we are in and we also are homebodies, we would like to balance out our desire to explore and our need to be home. House sitting gives us an opportunity to serve, to travel and to be at home all at the same time.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
jessica, self employed, Kind
emily, self employed, Kind

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