Serina f.

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Bristol, England, United Kingdom

Über Serina f.

39 Jahre alt | Veterinarian / Research Scholar

We're a couple in our early thirties, currently making long-distance work for us. We're both veterinarians with a couple of years worth of practical experience including farm animals/wildlife (Martin mostly) and small animals/exotics (Serina mostly). We're both back at university at the moment for even more degrees (we're studious like that) and enjoy travelling and moving to new places. We grew up in rural Austria (not on farms but both with large family gardens) and have lived abroad in various locations and countries for some years now. We don't smoke and know how to clean up after ourselves. We currently share our homes with 3 pet rats, 2 cats and one elderly dog but are happy to look after any pet or livestock animal, with our without pre-existing medical conditions.
We've looked after friends' houses and pets before but haven't used this option for travelling yet, so it's all new to us! :)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Martin , Engineering Student & Veterinarian, Ehepartner / Partner
Katrin, Medical Student, Bruder / Schwester

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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