Isabelle k.

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Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Über Isabelle k.

38 Jahre alt | Retail Designer

Hi there, we are are an international family of four (Isabelle project manager born 1986, Andrew IT service consultant born 1989, Kilian born 2020, Milena born 2023). We’re combining three different cultures in our daily live: trying to be as relaxed as a New Zealander, as organised as a German and to eat like the French. ;-)

As a couple we’ve lived together in Andrew’s home country New Zealand and Isabelle’s home country Germany. We love to travel and see new places, new cultures, food and different people. We are not party-people but rather like to have a relaxed dinner with healthy home cooked food.
We like to visit new places and enjoy seeing them from a local perspective rather than from a tourist perspective.
As kids we both had animals (dog and guinea pigs) and can't wait to have a dog ourselves. Our son loves animals such as dogs, horses, sheep, bunnies and goats. We would like to have him around animals as much as possible and also to make him understand what it means to take care of them. Therefore we‘re interested in any pet and housesits that are family friendly.

Let us know if you have any further questions.

Cheers from the Kennedys

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Andrew , 35 Jahre alt, IT Service Consultant, Ehepartner / Partner
Kilian, 4 Jahre alt, Child, Kind
Milena, 1 Jahre alt, Child, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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