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Wausau, Wisconsin, United States

Über Dianenjeff

56 Jahre alt | Nutritionist & Diabetes Educator

Internationally Experienced Power Couple For You! Early-retired, active, up-for-anything sitters. Backgrounds in Animal Husbandry & Nutrition.

About Us
We retired from our careers in The USA in 2015 and have been living abroad ever since. Jeff had a career in Animal Nutrition, working primarily with livestock herds. Diane was working as a Nutritionist/Diabetes Educator. In 2015 we sold our home in Wisconsin, nearly all our belongings, and moved to Ecuador to experience life in a new way. We love learning about new cultures and have been traveling and exploring ever since. We have traveled to over a dozen countries in North America, Central/South America and Europe. No matter where we are in the world, we love being with animals – from lap dogs to farm hogs - we love them all! We are hands-on animal caregivers and in the past 2 and a half years we have helped care for over 100 cats and dogs, volunteering at animal shelters in Ecuador. The unconditional love and every-bounding energy animals bring to a life and home is priceless! We have had the pleasure of being pet owners & know how important it is to have your pets cared for while you're away. We are looking for new experiences & love caring for your animals, pets (aka four-legged family members) when you need to travel. As a bonus, we speak intermediate/advanced level of Spanish as a second language (English is our native language).

Why We Want To HouseSit
When we sold our home and set out to travel, house/pet sitting seemed like a perfect match. We love to be on the move from time to time, and we love animals. Diane is a pet-lover (dogs, cats, and just about any 4-legged furry friend). Jeff loves pets too, but also has a passion in caring for farm animals. He has a degree in Animal Science and has lived with and worked with farm animals nearly all his life - a farm boy at heart. We love to be outdoors and being active with animals, but we also like some "big city time" too. All those city cats and dogs need some lovin' too right?! We like traveling in a way that provides an experience of living as a local yet isn’t permanent. The nomadic lifestyle suits us well. So far, we've had many wonderful experiences pet, house and even business sitting experiences, and have developed great relationships along the way, both with humans and animals! We're excited to help you care for your home, your pets, and/or you animals so you can relax and enjoy yourselves while you're away.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jeffrey, 62 Jahre alt, Retired Animal Nutritionist, Livestock Specialist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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