Maggie S.

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Richmond, Virginia, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Maggie S.

81 Jahre alt | Retired admin assistant and TEFL teacher

We are a very fit, retired couple (Doug American, Maggie British), loving our lives, and enjoying the opportunity to combine our love of animals with exploring this wonderful world. We have had house and petsitting assignments in the USA, Mexico, Europe and New Zealand. Our experience includes looking after dogs, cats, parrots, chickens and cows so are open to all opportunities. We have always had our own pets (rescue animals) and often care for our daughters' dogs, cats, guinea pig and fish. These include young and elderly pets, small dogs and Great Pyrenees.

It is very stressful to leave your pets with strangers (we have used petsitters ourselves.) Lots of loving care for each animal is our first priority, along with good care of your home. We take our responsibilities extremely seriously and promise you the best possible care.

I have a small business looking after dogs in my home in Virginia while owners are on vacation or business trips. With many repeat bookings for up to two weeks at a time, I have excellent references that I can send you. Our housesitting references are on another website but can also be sent to you if you are interested in us. I can get by in simple German, with the basics of French.

In 2020 we had assignments planned in Morocco in March to early April, one in Spain, two in France, one in Switzerland and another Italy at the beginning of August. Due to the tragedy of the coronavirus we and our hosts had to cancel travel plans. In 2021, we had a housesit in Florida and another in Kentucky with 4 alpacas. We have received our Covid vaccines and boosters.

We were in France for the first two weeks of September 2021, caring for three cats, we looked after another cat in Spain in October, and a dog in England in September. We have had sits in 2022 in Florida and South Carolina and already have two bookings later this year in England.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Douglas, Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Sabine G.

Nogent-sur-Seine, France - April 2024

Maggie and Doug have been great to keep our cats and our home ! They had to face a few problems at home and handled them perfectly. We also had a really nice evening with them sharing experiences, we really appreciated this time. To keep it short : you can trust them 100%% !

Patricia B.

Santarem, Portugal - März 2024

Maggie et Doug été des homes et pets sitter idéaux Nos 3 filles ont été plus que chouchoutées, elles ont eu droit à dormir avec eux sur le lit. Les promenades quotidiennes ont été appréciées par Praline. Merci pour leur gentillesse et l’attention portée à nos princesses. Nous les recommandons vivement. À bientôt … Bisous à vous 2. Maggie and Doug have ben ideal home- and petsitters. Our three girls have been more than pampered, and were even allowed to spend the nights on their bed. Daily walks were much enjoyed by Praline. We cannot thank them enough for their kindness and the attention they paid to our princesses. Highly recommended. We hope there is a next time. Hugs and kisses.

Madeleine b.

Corseaux, Switzerland - Juni 2023

Nous avons eu du plaisir à accueillir Margaret et Douglas. La soirée que nous avons passé ensemble nous a permis de découvrir deux personnes très sympathiques et ouvertes au partage. Ils se sont montrés à l'écoute de nos demandes que ce soit à propos de Marquise que du jardin. Ils répondaient rapidement à nos messages alors que nous étions à l'étranger et nous donnaient des nouvelles de leur séjour et de notre minette.

Laurence d.

Bulle, Switzerland - August 2020

Comme le séjour n'a pas pu se faire a cause de la situation actuelle Covid 19 , je ne peux hélas pas faire de bilan sur le séjour , par contre je peux mentionner que Maggy est une personne très investie et prend son rôle de homesitters très a coeur , nous avons décidé de rester en contact et de remettre ce séjour pour 2021 si la vie et la situation nous le permet ;-)

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