Lola D.

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Sanremo, Liguria, Italy


Über Lola D.

40 Jahre alt | Yoga teacher | Als Paar/Duo

We are Lola from Argentina and Ricardo from Italy.
We are currently living and working in Italy. We have our own Yoga & Meditation studio in Sanremo.

Seven years ago Lola started to travel mainly through Asia, after a year travelling solo.... we both met in Thailand, in a vipassana meditation center.
We started traveling together in India, Nepal, Bali, studying, practicing and participating in meditation retreats, when we returned to Italy we decided to open a space to share this beautiful practice. Now our Shala has been open for 4 years, and this year we decided to take a longer holidays to be able to rest, be in nature and practice yoga and meditation.

We love animals, to travel, and we are looking for a different way to do it, to meet people and new cultures.
We're very calm, orderly and very responsible people.
Lover of animals and nature .... We love yoga and meditation :)

We hope to be able to help you and take great care of your home, and your beloved pets.
If you want absolute assurance your house and pets are looked after with ultimate respect and care, then we can promise you I will exceed your expectation.
Thanks for your trust.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Riccardo Girondi, 36 Jahre alt, Meditación teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Colin & winny

Chiang Mai, Thailand - Januar 2018

Lola was fantastic. She took great care of our pets (two cats & a hedgehog) and gave us plenty of updates (and photos!) while we were gone. She kept the home very clean and did a good job looking after all the plants. I would definitely trust her to look after our home and pets again.


Chiang Mai, Thailand - Dezember 2017

Empfiehlt nicht

Cécile N.

Paris, France - August 2017

Lola est une jeune femme super. elle s'est très bien occupée de nos chats, de nos plantes et de notre appartement. Et en plus c'est une personne très sympathique. Et elle a su s'adapter aux désagréments causés par notre vieux chat, qui a fait ses besoins en dehors de sa litière... Et les chats l'ont beaucoup apprécié.

Laurent et Marie R.

Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne, France - August 2017

Nous avons passé 3 jours avant de partir avec Lola et Rodrigue qui sont adorables et avons laissé notre maison en toute sérénité. Le retour s'est fait comme prévu, maison impeccable, chien en forme, fleurs aussi ! Nous les recommandons!

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