Brianna b.

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Dallas, Texas, United States

Über Brianna b.

30 Jahre alt | Brianna=English Teacher/ Salvatore= pharmacist

Salvatore and I are a unique, loving couple that has the energy to keep on moving. It has been the case ever since we fell in love in Madrid. I am from Texas and Salvatore is from Sicily, and we feel so lucky to have found a partner that has the same passions and goals in life. After living together in Sicily, while I was teaching English, Salvatore was working in the pharmacy, and we were also creating a small business together, we decided that change was needed. We packed our bags, loaded the car, and we moved to Portugal to learn Portuguese. After some time here, we would like to pursue to learn French, so we are hoping to live in France by the start of July 2018. Being that we ran 3 Airbnbs back in Sicily, and the fact that we come from educated families, we understand the importance of house maintenance. Like any home, it should be treated as if it were your own. We will treat your home with all the respect it deserves because we also do not want to be reflected negatively. We are very responsible and caring people. We want you to enjoy your time away without any complications, and then we want you to return with a smile of satisfaction. Since we travel around so much, we sadly do not get to be accompanied by any furry friends, so if you have animals that need to be cared for, we would be more than happy to keep them healthy and active. This will "technically" be our first-time house sitting, and you must also know we have others house sitting our homes in Sicily as well, so we understand what your expectations are, and we will surely meet them without hesitation.

contact me here :[email protected]

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Salvatore , 34 Jahre alt, Pharmacist , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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