Brenda b.

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Tyler, Texas, United States

Über Brenda b.

79 Jahre alt | retired, formerly owner of employment agency

We are retired and enjoy both pets and traveling very much. So far our travels have taken us to most of Europe, Russia, Asia, Israel, Turkey, Jordan, and South America. We owned a business (employment agency) in our medium sized town in the southern United States, and my husband was employed by the state in corrections management. We have both had cats and dogs in the past, and husband is a fairly adept gardener. Because we do often travel, owning our own pets is not we'd like to "adopt" yours for a while! We would care for your home and pets as special treasures to be enjoyed for a time. We received glowing references from all our house sits for dogs and cats, and will gladly share the recommendation on request. Here is part of one endorsement: "Clifford and Brenda were wonderful house and pet sitters. We had the opportunity to share a meal the evening before we left and it was great getting to know them and hearing about their life experiences. They communicated well before, during and after their stay. They sent us a copy of their confirmation for their travel so we could rest assured they were committed. They followed our instructions to a tee and took perfect care of our family pets and home. I would have them back in a heartbeat. Thank you so much! We felt so much better knowing you were there. "

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Clifford, 80 Jahre alt, Retired, former corrections manager, Ehepartner / Partner

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