Jordi G.

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Sant Cugat del Vallès, Catalonia, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Jordi G.

29 Jahre alt | Florist & Stock Manager | Als Paar/Duo

We're a happy couple Jordi and Alejandra from Spain. I'm a Florist and Stock manager at a company which sells Japanese plants and little gardens in a bowl for decoration at home. Alejandra is a Sailor and has had several jobs such as making orgonites to reduce the effects of electromagnetic pollution.
We both did solo travels in the past such as me going to Thailand or her going to many countries in Europe like Norway, France etc.

We both have so much affinity for pets. I have always loved dogs yet my parents (specially mom) weren't very enthusiastic about having one when I was young. Luckily, many years ago we moved out to a different location in town and even though we didn't get a dog, my neighbours in front of me had one that they didn't take much care of so they would let me in their garden and be there with it whenever I wanted. I became super friends with it. It was pretty old around 12yrs old but in good shape. I remember I taught her many new tricks which she had never learned before, it was very smart, and took care of her during those years until it passed away many years later. It'll always be in my heart and feel like it was my dog. I've also walked many of my friends dogs many times and cats are a weakness of mine too, I love cuddling and petting them when they want to.

Alejandra, my wife, she's been raised with dogs her whole life. She's had Dobermans, Alaskan Malamute, Labrador, Border Collies and cats... Her experience with pets is immense. She even lived in a little farm for a while with birds, chickens, roosters, goats, rabits etc. Her experience throughout the years has taught her a lot about animals.

In the future, we'll have a Husky, a Border Collie and a cat firstly, with intention to have bigger animals but we're waiting until we move out the apartment to a bigger house near the country side.

We would love to take care of your house and pets while you're away :))

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Alejandra, 29 Jahre alt, Sailor and Orgonite manufacturer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Valérie B.

Miribel-les-Échelles, France - September 2023

Jordi est vraiment sympa , nous avons apprécié cette première expérience

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