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Järvenpää, Finland

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Finnsaway

41 Jahre alt | Entrepreneur / Travel blogger

We are a digital nomad and travel blogger couple originally from Finland. We slowly travel the world and work location independently from wherever we are. As travelers we are a bit of adventurous, and also exploring off-the-beaten-path corners of countries. We like sports (running, hiking, gym...), cooking and tasting typical dishes and wines of the countries we visit.

We both are educated engineers, and used to work with big corporations (Nokia etc) in Finland before this new life. Now we utilize our skills in our own company, helping our customers (mostly small start up companies from Finland) for example by creating web pages for them.

We love pets, especially dogs and cats, are experienced house- and pet sitters. As we can't really have own pets due to being nomads, pet sitting is a wonderful way to give some love and cuddles to furry friends As house sitters we are honest and trustworthy, your house and pets are in good hands with us. We keep your house tidy, and also know how to take care of garden.

Our travel blog is called FinnsAway, you can check it out in (not sure if the address will be visible here, if not, just search FinnsAway :) We speak fluent English and some Spanish, German and Swedish, and of course our native language Finnish.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Anne, 41 Jahre alt, Travel Writer / Engineer, Ehepartner / Partner
Toni, 47 Jahre alt, Entrepreneur / software developer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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