Michael l.

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Beaverton, Oregon, United States


Über Michael l.

66 Jahre alt | Engineer

A married couple, in our sixties, we are parents of two grown children and four time grandparents. We thoroughly enjoy traveling to and living in different places, experiencing new peoples, cultures and the scenic beauty of each locale. Over the years we've visited Morocco, New Zealand, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, China, France, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Australia. Our favorite travel mode is slow - going somewhere and settling in to enjoy the local customs. When not on the road, we live in our own home located just west of Portland, Oregon USA.

We are both retired from our corporate jobs. In our spare time we garden, bike ride, walk, read and occasionally pet sit for friends and neighbors. We've owned and maintained our own home for more than thirty years. While raising our children, we hosted many animals in our home when their families went off on vacation.

We're new to Nomador but since 2011 we have completed 30 house / pet sit assignments: two in Mexico, fourteen in Australia, eight in New Zealand, one in France, one on Norfolk Island and four in the USA.

We're currently looking for opportunities between 01-Nov-2020 and 31-Mar-2021.

Please contact us to see our housesit references.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Susan, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Janet o.

Kailua, United States - Oktober 2019

Mike and Sue are very experienced and have managed all kinds of pet situations. We had the great misfortune of having our dog abruptly diagnosed with cancer a few days after we left the pets in their care. The vet was in touch with both us and them, and we decided to start a new chemotherapy agent while we were away. So they had to deal with our sick dog, a lot of pills, chemotherapy issues, and keep our dog as happy and comfortable as possible-- and they rose to this unexpected challenge with grace, love, and competence. I am very grateful to them, they are top notch, and would recommend them to anyone.

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