Tom and gillian

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Helston, England, United Kingdom

Über Tom and gillian

35 Jahre alt | Digital Marketer & Copywriter

We know that your home and animals mean the world to you. And we understand what it's like to worry when going away.

We’re both working professionals. I’m a freelance writer and Gillian is a Research Associate for Remix Marketing Inc. The best part? Because we both work online, we can fit our schedules around your pet’s needs.

We’re not your average 20-somethings. We’re not into late nights, partying, drugs, drinking, or smoking.

What do we like?

Travelling, reading, movie nights, yoga, working on our laptops, meeting new people, walking, vegan cuisine, and a nice bottle of wine with some friends!

Gillian’s American and grew up helping out on the family ranch in Montana. And I’m English, and grew up by a country farm in rural Cornwall.

But we spent the last two years living in Croatia where Gillian worked for the Ecumenical Women’s Initiative—a charity working to help turn years of conflict into lasting peace.

We both adore animals and have owned and cared for a wide range of them.

Oh, and we like things neat, tidy and clean.

Bottom-line? Your pet will be loved as if they were our own and your home will be treated with the utmost respect and care.

Why do we want to make your life easier?

Because house-sitting is the solution to our personal dilemma.

Our friends David and Diane are in their early 50s and have been house sitting full-time for eight years—thanks to David’s successful online business consultancy.

They were adamant that we would be great house and pet sitters, and that it would solve our dilemma.

The thing is, we want to travel, but we’re also ‘homey’ people. Hostels are hell to us. We like quiet and comfort.

House sitting gives us the best of both worlds.

It’s a win/win situation.

Your house isn’t just another place to crash. We take this seriously.

And although we're new to professional house-sitting, we’ve cared for 30+ animals, 10+ homes and volunteered our time with nonprofit animal rescues.

Both of us have experience with dogs, chickens, cats, goats, fish, insects, ducks, rodents and rabbits—and Gillian also has experience caring for horses and other farm/ranch duties.

We also have experience with various pet medications and are of course more than happy to keep up with any particular feeding or care regimen needed.

We adapt quickly and are used to taking initiative. Something we’ve learned from our travels and living abroad long-term.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Gillian, 31 Jahre alt, Research Associate, Ehepartner / Partner

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