Loree c.

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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Loree c.

39 Jahre alt | Nutritionist

Hi, my name is Loree!

I'm a nutritionist specializing in community education. Before working in human nutrition I studied Animal Science and worked extensively with many species including cats, dogs, goats, sheep, horses, cattle, and some experience with rabbits, birds, and reptiles. I used these skills in both clinical and farm settings. I am comfortable administering oral and injectable medications. I also have experience giving oral syringe feedings and fluid administration for your elderly and sick babies.

I have a lot of love and patience for our furry, scaled, and feathered friends. I would love your pets like they are my own because they bring me joy.

I also have experience working in skilled nursing facilities and acute care hospitals. I am very familiar with proper sanitation techniques. Plus, my experience volunteering with Meals on Wheels gave me a lot of experience working with elderly clients and helping them in their homes.

I am 37 years old, professional, mature, and responsible. I recently completed my graduate degree and I'm interested in exploring new places where I might relocate.

I might like to do some sightseeing while traveling. But, your home and family members would be my top priority.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Sidney o.

Downey, United States - November 2022

Loree is awesome! We left our two big dogs and our bunny in her care while gone for a month and she did an excellent job. The animals warmed up to her right away and we knew we could leave on our trip with peace of mind. She took great care of them and even took our German Shepherd dog for a vet visit after an accidental broken nail. She kept us updated throughout the entire trip with text messages and photos. She also took great care of the house and managed the visits for the swimming pool maintenance. Her animal experience, attention to detail and organization skills are outstanding and made this house sit a smooth process. I would recommend Loree's services to anyone.

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