Janna g.

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Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States

Über Janna g.

53 Jahre alt | Property Manager

The Gillard family is me (50 yrs old) and my 2 sons, G & G (ages 15 and 17).
We have house-sat with pets and it’s been a great experience to handle a variety of animals. We have enjoyed our cats/kittens at home for over 15 years. In Tennessee, we had a flock of sheep for ten years, with a Great White Pyrenees guarding them. My sons fed and cared for them, along with the various hens at our house in the country on 50 acres. I’ve been renting out that house since 2015, which is when we moved to Greece. My dear British husband suddenly passed away in 2016, in a drowning accident, and I’ve missed him ever since.

When we left Greece in 2017, I bought a motorhome and drove over 10,000 miles through 15 countries in Europe! What a memorable adventure that year was. We also stayed with friends on ten occasions, and house-sat for 3 of them. In 2018, we moved back to Tennessee where I bought a second home in a city near family with our 2 cats and 3 hens.

In the fall semester of 2020, when virtual school was an acceptable option, we traveled to 15 western US states in our RV and enjoyed many national parks! I was able to meet up with long-lost friends from high school/college too.

We enjoy museums, films, reading and learning our instruments: guitar, piano and flute. It has been said of my personality that I've never met a stranger, so I generally make friends wherever I go! I love cooking, baking, reading and grocery shopping and traveling of course.

We'd love to take superb care of your pets so that you can enjoy your time away with no worries. I love photography and take many pictures of my pets, so I’ll probably do the same for you when you’re not there.

I always take care of others' homes as I would my own, which is tidy, clean and respectful. My sons are mature, responsible and amazingly helpful. We’re happy to look after your garden and anything else that needs doing. We’re keen hikers and bikers. Please consider our abilities, experience and personalities whenever you need a sitter!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Gabriel, 20 Jahre alt, Student, Kind
Grayson, 18 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

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