Charlotte t.

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Charlotte t.

50 Jahre alt | Travel Writer & Photographer

We are Darryl (51) and Charlotte (47), a Canadian couple who have been married for 26 years. We have successful housesitting stories and have been both homeowners and renters.

We love animals, particularly dogs. Charlotte was raised on a farm and knows how to take care of many animals. We are non-smokers. Darryl has a certificate in Business Administration and Charlotte has a Travel & Tourism diploma with Honours. Charlotte is a travel writer and photographer.

We are looking for house sitting opportunities to experience communities and locals in a personal way. We are also looking at becoming expats and housesitting is a good way to intertwine in a community to see what countries and locations are a good fit for our lifestyle.

We are available for whatever questions you may have. We can provide references as to our cleanliness, reliability and trustworthiness. We are very professional, have a great work ethic and will respect your property.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Darryl, 54 Jahre alt, Online Real Estate Researcher, Ehepartner / Partner

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Allyson m.

Austin, United States - Oktober 2021

Wow! Charlotte and Darryl exceeded our expectations. They sent pictures and anecdotes at regular intervals. Our neighbors all met them and enjoyed a late afternoon front porch get-together. Our dogs, who are by nature shy, bonded to them both and mourned their departure. The house was spotless with all in order when we returned. This experience could not have been better, we would welcome Charlotte and Darryl anytime. They are poster house sitters and exemplify the values and tenants of Nomador. Thank you!

Brenda l.

Canyon Lake, United States - August 2021

Charlotte and Darryl were great house sitters. I came home to a very clean house and happy cats. My cats loved them. Even the one that is a little skittish. I was so pleased with them that I am having them house sit again in a few weeks.

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