Anisa d.

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Crewe, England, United Kingdom

Über Anisa d.

41 Jahre alt | ESL Teacher


I'm a single girl in my 30s, non-smoker, into yoga (off and on...more off than on, but I'm fit). I love pets...dogs and cats. I'm pretty good at not killing plants. And, I can handle a feather duster!

I'm from England, but grew up in the UAE, studied in Canada, and have worked in Mexico, Italy, and Spain. I'm currently based in San Jose, Costa Rica.

I have been a professional ESL teacher for the past 15 years. I'm also interested in writing and photography...mainly looking to improve my non-existent photography travelling somewhere with pretty or interesting views would be fab. I've recently started pet-sitting and house-sitting for people in my town, but would prefer longer stretches and somewhere further afield. But, that being said, I'm open to all options.

I would likely be travelling alone, but if you'd prefer a mum is a travel nut too and would love to join me.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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