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Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Über Evan

32 Jahre alt | Small Business Owner

Quiet and respectful travel lover yearning to see more of the world and the special souls (human and animal alike) who inhabit it. I love that house sitting enables me to visit new places and learn about what makes them special to you. I co-own and operate an online business which affords me the flexibility to travel and care for your beloved pets and cherished belongings. As a dog owner myself, I understand how important it is for animals to be in a comfortable and familiar environment. I want to make sure that while you’re away, you can relax in the knowledge that I will cuddle, play with, and provide your pets with the same love and attention that you would give if you were there. To me, home is a sacred space to be respected and treasured, and you can trust that I will watch over your animals and home as if it were my own.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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