Simon c.

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Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand

Über Simon c.

45 Jahre alt | IT specialist, English teacher

Hi there !
We are a married couple, both working part-time as English language teachers.

Simon is from New Zealand and has been living and working abroad for many years. These days he is primarily working as an English teacher. In the past he worked in IT, Education and International Development.
He also tunes pianos. He enjoys traveling and outdoors, playing music, and meditation.

Nagisa is Japanese. She teaches English to her Japanese students over the Internet. She enjoys taking photos and videos and compiling educational documentaries. She loves dancing and drawing.

We grew up in families which kept dogs, cats, fish, birds, tortoises, sheep and bees. We both like taking care of animals and getting to know their characters!

We both love traveling. Housesitting lets us experience new places while also allowing us to get involved with local activities and meet new people.
We like being in nature: hiking, cycling, camping, swimming, or otherwise. We are also enthusiastic musicians.

Reliable, tidy and enthusiastic, we are looking forward to taking care of your house and any pets and garden. We would like you to feel relaxed during your time away, and come home and feel happy that everything was well looked after!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Nagisa, 40 Jahre alt, English teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch |

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