John p.

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Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Über John p.

68 Jahre alt | Attorney at Law (retired)

Hello - My name is John. I'm a retired attorney from Ft. Collins, CO. I've been retired for almost 3 years now, and I've been traveling in Central and South America a fair amount, and I'm looking so forward to doing much more in the coming years.
I was a owner, partner, and manager in 2 different law firms, as well as being a solo practioner, for close to 30 years here in Ft. Collins, all of which were quite successful. I currently own and manage two different rental units, for which I do most of the maintenance, although I know my own limitations as to what I can and cannot do. These rentals are a significant part of my retirement, and as a result, I've taken very good care of them in order to maintain their value.
I have two adult children, a daughter and a son. My daughter is a Ranger with the National Park Service, and my son is a financial analyst in a accounting firm. Both live in Denver. I think that I've raised to wonderful children, if I do say so myself.
I'm an avid outdoors person. During the summers when I'm here in the US, you will find me on my bicycle riding extensively throughout the state of Colorado, camping, fishing, backpacking, and sometimes, simply hiking in the mountains. During the winter months, you will find me on the ski slopes of my gorgeous rocky mountains, as well as snow shoeing, and on rare occasions, cross-country skiing. I'm also a avid reader of history, biographies, science fiction, thrillers, and mysteries. As well as other non-fiction that happens to grab my interest.
My travels have primarily been in Mexico, Belize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Ecuador, since my retirement. I have long term plans for further exploring those parts of Central and South America that I have not yet seen. I have traveled to Ecuador twice, the most recent time was the spring of 2015, where I stayed in Cuenca for 6 weeks immediately following my retirement. I've been a house sitter of a small farm outside of the City of Estelli, Nicaragua. I was there approximately 3 weeks, and took care of the extensive gardens at that location, as well as cared for the owner's wonderful dog, Diego. I also house sat for three months this past summer and fall just outside of San Ramon, Costa Rica, where I was responsible for maintaining the house, and doing some gardening. The owners have invited me back to house sit for them this coming April, and I am looking forward to that adventure again. I know that both owners would be happy to pr

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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