Raphael g.

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Bragança Paulista, State of São Paulo, Brazil

Über Raphael g.

39 Jahre alt | Massage Therapist (Ayurveda & Aguahara)

We are a couple from Brazil and Argentina traveling around Mexico. We are planning to start a bycicle trip in March, leaving from Tulum, crossing Belize, Guatemala and then coming back to Mexico. We are both exploring new experiences in life together, learning a lot from the places and people we meet in this path. We connect a lot with nature and more harmonious ways of living, respecting nature´s cycles, such as water managing, recycling and conscious feeding (we love to eat fruits). Rapha is a massage therapist in earth and water (ayurvedic massage and aguahara) and has found a lot of peace with vipassana meditation in the last years. He had many dogs and cats in his life, but only one, Juca, was totally trained by him from the very beginning of life until 5 years old, when Rapha decided to leave Argentina and left Juca with his ex-girlfriend, who keeps cooking home meal for him (rice, vegetables and meat) and takes him to walk around for at least 2 hours a day. His dedication to give Juca a good education was based in a book he downloaded from the web which instructed him to basically educate with lot of love and patience.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Micaela, 40 Jahre alt, Graphic Designer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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