Fran h.

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New York, United States

Über Fran h.

51 Jahre alt | Artist / Curator

We are a fit and happy couple from Brooklyn. 

Fran grew up on a sustainable farm in Wisconsin frolicking with animals. As a girl she cared for rabbits, pigs, sheep and horses, goats, cows, chicken, ducks and geese eggs. The family had two dogs (one of them Fran's best friend), many cats and kittens, a hamster and a mouse. Kyle grew up in an apartment in Brooklyn with a Rottweiller and Sheba Inu as part of his family, that he trained and cared for from puppyhood forward. Experience with large dogs allows Kyle to easily establish his place as the alpha, with calm & steady cues. Kyle has a mustacheoed kitty who adores him, and kitty can stay with his family while Kyle is travelling.

Often jumping at the chance to care for friends' pets in NYC, we recently discovered the option to housesit while travelling. Fran & Kyle balance each other in their ability to work with senior pets, special needs, young active pets, and large animals. We prefer to care for dogs who already know some commands (or are willing to learn). A good cuddle with kitty is hard to beat, and we both have experience winning the hearts of cantankerous cats. 

Fran holds a Masters degree from Pratt Institute and is active in the NYC arts community. She curates art exhibtions several times per year. She has worked for several architecture firms in Manhattan, and has been working part-time with her current employer for over 10 years. Kyle has a degree in education from Brooklyn College and works at a holistic health center in Brooklyn, and teaches computer skills to immigrants at the YMCA. Together we make a good team. Fran loves to cook and Kyle loves to eat :) Kyle also helps keep Fran fit at the gym, and by taking long walks through Prospect Park. We love to walk, and would enjoy the company of canine companions.

We are very respectful of other people's space and privacy. Organic food all the way, no smoking, no drugs and we can thrive in a vegetarian household. We can freelance from anywhere, while tending to your home, beloved pets, plants or garden. 

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Kyle, 32 Jahre alt, Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

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