Rayburn o.

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Dallas, Texas, United States

Über Rayburn o.

48 Jahre alt | Kindergarten & ESL Teacher

My wife and I are currently traveling and we are seeking house-sitting opportunities as a way to continue to explore the world and hopefully save some money while doing so. We are also potentially seeking a place to live and start a business together.

My name is Rayburn or Ray, and I'm from America but have been living in Taiwan since 2010 where I tutor kids and adults in ESL and also work as a Kindergarten homeroom teacher. My wife, Lily, is from Taiwan and is still recently graduated from college. She's been working some restaurant jobs while doing freelance design work. We got married in 2017, and instead of spending our money on a big wedding, we decided to use that money to travel for as long as we could!

We both love animals and would be really excited to interact and care for just about any animal. It's hard to own a pet in Taipei so we've both been starved on animal companionship for a while. That means your pets would be sure to get lots of love from us! We both like taking walks together, and I like jogging, so having a doggie along would be a huge bonus.

In general we're pretty big homebodies. We don't go out and party or hit clubs. We enjoy cooking dinner together and trying out new recipes, then chilling out and watching our favorite shows. We have our own laptops and can find all our own media entertainment online. But we love outdoor activities too and often go hiking, biking, jogging, swimming if it's available, etc.

We are also both very clean and organized people and keeping a place looking neat and tidy is simply second nature to us. If we stayed in your home we would treat your stuff with the greatest consideration and do our absolute best to respect and fulfill all your house-sitting needs.

Thanks for reading my profile. Cheers!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Lily, 31 Jahre alt, Graphic Artist, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Chinesisch

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