Nicole m.

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Jindabyne, New South Wales, Australia

Über Nicole m.

36 Jahre alt | Ski Instructor

Hello there!
My name is Nicole, I am a Ski Instructor who has worked in the profession for the
past 5 years. Due to my job finishing up in April, I am able to
move around quite a lot and am interested in experiencing something
new. I enjoy travelling, however it is most important for me to
experience the culture of the place I visit and have found that the
best way to do this is by living in the country.

I am Australian and thanks to my profession I am able to experience the world while I work.

I love a challenge and enjoy having responsibilities, even when
on holidays. This is why I am searching for a home with animals to
look after or even a garden or veggie patch that may need maintenance
while you are away.

If there is any extra information you may need or are curious to know
a little more about my background, please don't hesitate to contact

I must point out that this will be my first official house sit.
However, I have a lot of experience taking care of my families homes
while they are away on holidays.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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