Agata s.

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Rzeszow, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland

Über Agata s.

40 Jahre alt | Photographer

My name is Agata and I am in my early thirties. I am new to house sitting but I have been babysitting and petsitting before on many occasions. I love travelling and exploring the world. I feel like I am alive! I have been working in photography but also in hospitality, it all has been a journey but now I came to the point where I want to commit myself to writing which I abandoned a while ago and I feel that being in a new place will bring me inspiration and chance to focus. I am lucky enough that at this age I don't have any responsibilities that hold me down and can travel and explore the world. I have quite few animals in my family home in Poland, where I am currently based. I have experience with cats, dogs, small animals like hamsters, guinea pigs. I am a very outdoorsy person, so dogs can't get bored with me. I enjoy trail running which is quite exciting for them as we both can get good exercise. I love hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking but also calmer activities like yoga.
I am very friendly, positive and easy going person, but also very responsible and reliable.
For me housesitting is a great chance to help someone look after their home and I can be fully trusted with this given responsibility, but at the same time chance to know a new place in the world I haven't been yet but from a different angle. Not a typical tourist but feel like a person living there who can get to know the community, area, people, and contribute if possible. Its all a great adventure to me and I would love you to trust me and contact me. You won't regret it :)

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