Lauren m.

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Lauren m.

44 Jahre alt | Art Teacher | Allein

Hello! I am a veteran art teacher who loves to stray from the beaten path. I teach at an inner city high school. I work long hours, in fact my work days never really end! It is emotionally, mentally and physically exhausting, but I absolutely love my job! I know that I was put on earth to help my kids, and it is amazingly rewarding.

That said, I spend my summers doing things that rejuvenate me- making art, enjoying the outdoors, cooking, (eating :) ) traveling... When I travel I prefer to stay in one place and settle in to local life. Housesitting and pet sitting are the perfect ways to settle in and enjoy the world around me in a meaningful way.

In addition to my wanderlust, I absolutely love animals! I work too much so I don't have any pets at home- they would be so lonely! I love snuggling, walking, playing and all the things you would normally do with your pet. I absolutely adore dogs and cats and love giving belly rubs and back scratches!

I have a great deal of experience! I was an au pair in Milan and Ireland, and I have dog sat, cat sat, house sat and babysat for many families. In 2016, I worked on a property in Alaska 180 miles from the nearest road. It was absolutely amazing!
The following year, I spent 10 days housesitting and cat sitting in the south of France. I tended to the garden and house, and I would move there if I could!! Just the loveliest place on earth! In 2018, I cared for 4 dogs in a jungle house in Costa Rica- what an adventure! And summer 2019, I cared for a newly adopted golden retriever and a cat in Sonoma.
I often travel independently, so I'm very capable of housesitting or pet sitting on my own. I'm educated, mature and caring. I've been a home owner and I am a good driver, as well.

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